Machine Fire Protection GreCon FLAMEWOLF

Innovative extinguishing concept to prevent the risk of development and spreading of fire

The GreCon fire protection philosophy to prevent a fire as early as possible also applies to object protection. GreCon develops protection concepts for object protection on the basis of the individual requirements of the particular production process. Thanks to a modular design and a large range of detection and extinguishing equipment, GreCon object protection solutions are applied in many industries.

The machine fire protection system FLAMEWOLF consisting of the two modules fire detection system and fine spray extinguishing system, which have now been approved, convinces by its response speed and its use with exact spatial focus.
A large range of special extinguishing nozzles covers all areas of the press that are at risk. The new nozzles create a fine water mist by means of which an exactly defined space can be effectively protected.
The water mist fills the protected space, cools it and stops the supply of oxygen. The fire is extinguished and post-ignition is effectively prevented.

    • Extinguishment of fire at an early stage.
    • Low amount of water due to fine spray extinguishing system.
    • Short standstill time for installation.
    • Little space required because the valve station is mounted on protected object.
    • Securing of production availability.
    • Easy to maintain and robust system.
    • Protection of plants and machinery


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    • Large range of optical detectors to detect arising fire at an early stage
    • We will design a protection concept that is tailored to your requirements
    • Immediate cooling effect
    • Deoxidation and extinguishment of the fire
    •  requirements
    • Space limitation of flame spreading by fine spray extinguishmen
506, Acacia Street, Sarinas Compound, Kalawaaan, 1600, Pasig City , Philippines
+63 9157461445, +63 9178812584
+63 (02) 7118-7525